Hi - Thanks for dropping by my site! This is where I keep all sorts of odds and ends that interest me. It's a mixture of (hopefully useful) how-to guides, my photos, articles on issues important to me and so on. I'd love to hear your comments on any of the articles to know how others feel about issues close to my heart.Wednesday, May 12, 2010Building a Media Center
I took a crack at building myself a media center. My goals were, - Easy to use / Reliable: No crashing, regular admin and controllable with a remote - Performs as many of the following as possible (in rough priority order): TV, Netflix, Hulu, DVD, DVR, iTunes, WiFi Router, BitTorrent. - Minimize the number of boxes I need and minimize power usage - Cheapish Click on for my approach.
[more..]Monday, March 30, 2009Facebook advertising notes
- Adding a picture to your add gets you a lot more click thrus (e.g. 5x ) - New ads tend to get more impressions
[link]Sunday, March 22, 2009Cool Netflix Watch Instantly Tricks
- Shift+Right click to get a menu where you can see download statistics
- Shift+B: Get a small drop down in the very bottom right hand corner where you can choose your download speed!
This only works on the old school, non-Silverlight, version.
[link]Friday, February 20, 2009David's List of Touristy Things to do in NYC
Click on for my list for a week's worth of activities.
[more..]Saturday, January 10, 2009New Space Invader Sighting!
Decided to walk betweem Montmatre and Gare du Nord rather than take the subway adn was rewarded with the sighting of another space invader! Pic here. There is also one in LAX airport (on the concrete barrier, left-hand side as you drive between the terminals) and another in Queens (Near Queensboro Plaza Subway). Will work on getting some pics of them.
[link]Saturday, September 13, 2008Notes from Travels in Egypt and Morocco
These are passed due! Complete set of photos going up now. Click below for our itinerary.
[more..]Tuesday, July 29, 2008Cairo and the Pyramids
Hullo! Some brief highlights from my trip to Egypt and Morocco. This is part one - Cairo and the Pyramids!
[more..]Saturday, May 17, 2008Palos Verdes Half Marathon
Hit the PV Half Marathon this am. They warned me it would be hot. (Nah not at 7:30am I retorted). They warned me it would be hilly. (I can do hilly I said). Needless to say it was both hot and hilly. My calves are going to take a vacation. Pics soon hopefully.

[link]Sunday, May 11, 2008Seaside-tastic Weekend in LA
Kristin flew in from NYC on Friday night and we met up with her friend Kennebuntport and hit up the Thai/Elvis restaurant on Hollywood Boulevard. Not the best food - Fairly sad looking bits of chicken but the coconut curry broth was pretty good. Then we went for desert at the scenester diner Bite. Cool sparkly red booths and a generous slice of sponge cake with Chantilly and berries. We stayed over at Sarah’s place in Silverlight. Kristin had come to visit Sarah but ironically Sarah had to fly to NYC last minute so they missed each other. Sarah has the best apartment – beautiful wooden floors with old metal brackets and high ceilings. And so much room! I guess when you are used to living in NYC, a regular sized apartment feels like a palace.
Next morning, grey and chill, up early and a traffic-less drive down to Hermosa Beach to meet Sam, Kristin’s gregarious colleague and ex-mayor of the town! We met him at his boat and waited for 4 more companions to join us on our trip into the bay.
Sam’s sleek, 30’ boat slide off into the harbor and soon we were off down the coast looking up at sprawling mansions up on the cliff tops. Throughout the journey Sam told tales of Hermosa Beaches characters.
A few miles down shore we anchored in a kelp forest and some went diving, trying out underwater navigation skills. I braved the 55 degree water and went snorkeling but only for a few minutes. We saw a jelly fish!
After the divers returned we snacked-up and finally turned round back to shore. Back on land we dropped by a bar and then onto Sam’s house where we met his family and then went onto dinner in a Mexican restaurant by the Redondo Beach pier. Sam hooked us up with a room at the splendid Manhattan Beach hotel saving us the drive back to Silverlight which was a good thing as more than a few drinks had gone down by then.
We headed back to Sam’s after dinner. Xxx(?) showed us his Elvis impersonation but he was quickly put to shame when Kristin and Lauren showed off their singing skills. Kristin’s folk-pop against Lauren’s Opera. Ted did some great pianoing too. We got back to the hotel not too late but we were pooped! I was asleep before I could even get under the covers.
[link]Sunday, March 2, 2008Hunting Aliens
I have a new album to track space invaders I have been seeing around the World. I need to dig up pics of the one in Queens by Queens Plaza.
[link]Sunday, May 13, 2007More Like it
Following on from my rant on bottled water...Chez Panisse is leading the common sense approach to bottled water.
[link]Saturday, April 14, 2007Worst Webhost ever?
I just discovered today that two of my websites hosted by Brinkster were deleted without warning. One was www.caperdu.com that is the sales site for a vacation house in France and this happens to be peak booking season. The other was for www.isoga.net which was just a bunch of fun but the files don't exist anywhere else. There reason was that I was a free account and I hadn't logged in for 6 months. The thing is, I often don't log in for 6 months and it has never been an issue. Also, they couldn't even be bothered to send me a warning email. Webhosts are entrusted with people's important files - Brinkster obviously doesn't take their responsibility seriously. I'm a much bigger fan of LunarPages.
my other sites:
- New York Running
- ISOGA Heavy Metal Band!
- Vacations in France!
- simon's scene
- mark's musings
- More Like it
- Worst Webhost ever?
- Against Bottled Water
- Recovering Disk Space in Windows
- Sun Ray Deployment at IS195
- Running Route Database - Update
- Pics from Mike's Bike Trip
- Central Park Moonlight Cycle
- Kristin Plater's Next Show...
- Kristin Plater Plays the Alphabet Lounge
- Your Chance to Influence US Energy Policy!
- Practical NY Energy Tips - PCs
- Missing the Point
- Practical NY Energy Tips - Lighting
- Making the Switch to Firefox
- Belize to Gutemala and Back Again
- Diving in Cancun
- Today...
- Peru and Belize!
- PC Fix Up Tips